A blog about me and my adventure as an ex-pat.
Because someone told me to... Thank you Gaby.

Monday, December 23, 2013

preschool christmas shows...

We may have missed the big school production of a Christmas Carol, which was on whilst we were in the UK over Thanksgiving, but we did get to see both kids perform in their preschool 'Holiday programs'.

For the last few weeks our house has been filled with the sounds of the kids practicing their songs. From Rudolf the red nosed reindeer to Suzy snowflake, songs about Santa and figgy pudding. It's all we have done in the car, over breakfast and before bed! Charlotte especially likes to sing and often puts a CD into her player and dances round the house singing in her beautiful (if a little painful) high pitched singing voice!

So the day finally came. Last year we were stuck behind a big tall guy and I forgot my zoom lens so my photos were pretty rubbish. This year we rocked up first for both the morning and afternoon shows and bagged front row seats! We sat in the gym for probably 4 or 5 hours that day but it was so worth it!

When did our baby boy get so big?! 

We took lots of great photos but I don't like to post ones of other kids. Here is our morning preschooler (I tried to blur out his friends):

All they ask of each child is that they sit nicely on the stage and wear their collar without a fuss. Most of them did great this year with just a couple needing to sit with their teachers. The 3 year old morning preschoolers were so much louder than last year! It is the cutest thing to watch, especially when they get to hold their very own jingle bell and ring it with pride! 

Each child is introduced by the head teacher of the preschool - Mrs Laura Kelpin. 

We watched with pride as our little ones sat in their seats and performed the songs with such gusto, adding in the actions and smiling at us. I'm amazed at just how many songs the kids learn. The shows were at least 30 minutes long each. This year Charlotte was asked to go into the morning preschool during the week of the shows and help the younger ones with the actions. A pretty big thing for our shy little 5 year old! 

This is Charlotte's last year of preschool. She is a 'lucky duck' so she joins the preschool in the afternoon but next year she will go to Kindergarten full time and will perform with the big kids in their show at the Miller Auditorium. 
We have promised not to go anywhere between September and December to make sure we don't miss out on anything! With the fall festival, halloween parades, Christmas Carol and the preschool holiday show, it's a busy few months!! 

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