A blog about me and my adventure as an ex-pat.
Because someone told me to... Thank you Gaby.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

christmas lights tour...

Last night we bundled the kids up in pajamas, fleeces and blankets, set the radio to Star 105.7 which plays back to back Christmas music and set off round Kalamazoo for a tour of the Christmas lights.

We went to three destinations and I am sure there are lots more houses to be seen but we enjoyed our little ride and got a taste of local Christmas spirit!

Our first destination was a house on Nichols Rd just north of Ravine Rd (the gird system is so useful sometimes!). We couldn't find a place to stop but managed to drive past it twice.

The lights flash in time to the music they have playing. I wish I could have taken a proper video and photos. There was so much to see in just a quick drive by. But well worth it. It made us all smile!

The second destination was 'Christmas Card Lane' which is actually N Lauderdale Rd - south off West Main.

Each house has a huge Christmas card made out of plywood, illuminated and sitting on their front lawn.

The third place was a house on Long Rd which is off Oakland. It's a pretty standard neighbourhood with just a few lights. And then you turn round the corner and bang you know you are in the right place!! Apart from loads of cars driving up and down the small road, the lights are so bright you could not miss it. Despite the 18oF / -8oC temperatures (with a slight breeze thrown in!) we jumped out of the car, eager to explore.

It is a private house so you can't really wander through their front yard but you can walk up and down the street in front. There are so many things to see, it is almost impossible to take it all in! I read that the guy who owns the house employs 4 WMU students to put all of the lights up and it takes them 5 weeks! They then check it every night for blown fuses and clear the snow off the wires. There are Santas flying through the air, in helicopters, stuck in an igloo and waving to passers by. It is incredible!

I took these 2 panoramas and you still can't see everything!

Click on the photos to get a bigger size.

We all loved our trip round the lights and hope to see the Winchell luminaries later.

Merry Christmas everyone! May it be merry and bright!

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