A blog about me and my adventure as an ex-pat.
Because someone told me to... Thank you Gaby.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

when the rubber hits the snow...

As well as the cardboard derby, we also tried out tubing whilst away last weekend.
I should probably point out at this point that I have never skied and have not managed to get any lessons yet (yes I know 2 winters in Michigan and I still haven't plucked up the courage!). So I didn't brave the ski slopes but we did get to go 'super fast' down a tubing hill!

The course was pretty icy, with black rubber mats out to try and make sure we stopped (and avoided sliding onto the road!) so we got up to a pretty good speed down a couple of the lanes!

I'd just like to point out that I did my fair share of pulling the kids back to the lift! Right before this picture, one of them had ended up in the crash barrier and it was a bit of a scramble to get them out of the way of the oncoming traffic!

The kids loved it! Even after the spill they had in the morning, they were confident and laughing all the way.

It was so quiet on the way up. The guys at the bottom of the hill attach you to a handle which drags you up to the top where you are literally spat out onto a snowy ramp. We would send one of the kids up ahead of us and they would be waiting with a smile on their face. Charlotte wanted me to bump into her and one time I got up their to find her chatting to a random (I need to speak to her about stranger danger!).

After about 20 minutes, Charlotte wanted to go up with the other kids and she happily handed the tube strap over to the guys, got in and rode up the hill on her own. Because of the ice, they didn't want too many tubes going down together but they let us ride holding on to her and let her and her 7 year old friend go together. I was so proud of her confidence and independence. She could put her feet out at the end of the course to slow down and drag her tube back up to the lift.

It was a lot of fun and I could have spent all evening up their but sadly our time was up after an hour.

It has given me the confidence to give skiing a go... Maybe you can teach an old dog new tricks?!

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