A blog about me and my adventure as an ex-pat.
Because someone told me to... Thank you Gaby.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

so sad...

Yesterday we heard the tragic news that a gun man went on the rampage at a school in Connecticut killing several staff and 20 children aged between 5 and 10.

Awful, just awful. Heart breaking.

It is legal to carry a gun in this country and that scares me. A lot.

Every day I am grateful to be able to hold and kiss my children. To be able to watch them grow and thrive. Yesterday especially so.

*Update: Charlotte woke up in the night saying she was scared. Jeremy took her back to bed the first time but the second time I just wanted to cuddle her and make her happy. It worked! We didn't get much sleep but she woke up smiling and went to school in the car singing "when you are scared you go to your Mummy's bed with a teddy to cuddle". So sweet!

We were late to school. I didn't want to take them today. I think I was stalling and deliberately going slow. When we got to school, Toby ran off happily but I pulled him back for a kiss. When I went to take Charlotte to daycare, all of the doors were locked and there were signs telling us where to go. It's a good thing but a shocking reminder of what happened last week.
I just burst into tears. It all hit me and I didn't want to say goodbye. You take them to school everyday, wish them well and fully expect them to be there at the end of the day.
I'm enjoying my time alone but equally looking forward to giving those gorgeous kids a kiss and cuddle at 3pm!

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