A blog about me and my adventure as an ex-pat.
Because someone told me to... Thank you Gaby.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

spring clean in the snow...

I think I can sum January up with movies (how much do you love curling up in front of a good movie when it's freezing outside?) and organising! 

We have been busy sorting through piles of paperwork and thousands of photographs - those jobs that there is never enough time to do so you close the door on it and hope the fairies will sort it!

Jeremy has filled two filing cabinets and I have lost count of the number of photobooks I have done - I think it is 8! The bad news is that I still have a few thousand to sort through from 2011! The downside to digital I guess.

So what movies have I been watching?

Well I have been sucked into the world of Twilight. I read the books over the last couple of months, mainly whilst we were back in the UK during Toby's naps and at 1am when I was suffering from jet lag! I thought the books were amazing. I literally could not put them down! And then I got the movies for Christmas and love them too! 

I also got "One Day" for Christmas. I thought it was a great book but was disappointed with the movie. For a start, Anne Hathaway's British accent drove me crazy! One minute she had a posh English accent and the next she sounded like she was from Yorkshire! If you could get over that, it was a pretty good adaptation of the book but lost the sense of passage of time and their relationship. 

We have also seen "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" which was good, I think... They did a pretty good job of following the (very complicated and detailed) story but if I hadn't read the books would I have kept up with the story? I'm not sure. So the Harry Potter movies cut out a lot of story line but they were still amazing films. I am not sure I would say that about TGWTDT! 

I am looking forward to seeing Breaking Dawn on dvd and I believe the Hobbit is due out this year too... I think it is going to be a good year for movies :)

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